The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The CDC has a violence prevention section that has an area specifically related to intimate partner violence.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
NCADV's work includes coalition building at the local, state, regional and national levels; support for the provision of community-based, non-violent alternatives.
Partners in Prevention
Partners in Prevention is committed to helping bridge healthcare delivery and domestic abuse victim advocacy.
The National Network to End Domestic Violence
The NNEDV, a social change organization, is dedicated to creating a social, political and economic environment in which violence against women no longer exists.
National Online Resource Center for Violence Against Women
VAWnet is a comprehensive and easily accessible online collection of full-text, searchable materials and resources on domestic violence, sexual violence and related issues.
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence
PCADV is a private nonprofit organization working at the state and national levels to eliminate domestic violence, secure justice for victims, enhance safety for families and communities, and create lasting systems and social change.