Member Resources
Working together with members helps reinforce the idea of a partnership in care. We want members to have access to the resources they need, when they need them. Providers can use Member Resources to help members in many areas of recovery.
These resources include ways to help members:
- Find providers in their area
- Make a Recovery Plan
- Complete an Advance Directive
- File a grievance
- Get transportation to appointments and pharmacies
If you are looking for other information or have any questions, contact us.
Important Changes to Physical HealthChoices
The Physical HealthChoices program is the name of Pennsylvania's mandatory managed care programs for Medical Assistance recipients. Through physical health managed care organizations (PH-MCOs), recipients receive quality medical care and timely access to all appropriate physical health services. On September 1, 2022, there will be changes to the PH-MCOs that participate in the Physical HealthChoices program. View the HealthChoices Toolkit for more information about these changes.